
There where tantra is the spreading of the wings,

where the heart is embracing, a theatre is a purifying catharsis and the awakening is an ordinary life… …in a shamanic rhythm of the nature

The Tantra of Joyful Moments in the shamanic Theatre of Awakening is a conscious life with the full understanding that everything is a continuous way, and an endless change, where we recognize love in various aspects of our lives. It is a humanity that is alive. It is an inner journey, during which we can experience ourselves. It is an alchemical transformation, manifested in our everyday, ordinary life. It is a formula of personal development workshops and artistic activities. Meetings and trips inside yourself have a very strong shamanic aspect and form a developmental path.

In general, “tantra” occurs in various forms in many cultures since thousands of years. It is something that a particle of exists in all of us. It is rarely a conscious and awaken feature. It is not at all about the techniques of managing one’s own sexual energy, but with openness of the heart, contact with your own body, emotions and our soul. Julia
We open up into our inner intuition, awakening an instinctive savagery, to be able to reach the awareness of what a real relationship is.
We find the courage to enter into close contact with ourselves and other people. To make it possible we need to establish a relationship with our bodies, accept them and love them as they are.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThen we can enter a new area of our lives where we start to feel the reality, we leave the illusion, find the source in ourselves and build our own capacity to act, we see life as it really is. We learn to feel, experience what empathy and compassion is. And in this way we also feel the nature and the Mother Earth, as a part of ourselves. All this leads us to a state where we begin to live in a deep relationship with the world, nature and other people. We become our own inner master.
Tantra of the Heart supports opening up to love and following the path of experience. Then we can call our lives the THEATRE of awakening.

szymon bimWe facilitate various workshops and meetings, a school and also artistic activities – we create events, musical theatre performances, open-air happenings, where everyone can experience themselves while taking full responsibility for their lives. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe use a variety of methods and tools that allow us to feel better and get to know ourselves, our bodies, emotions and feelings that we carry inside.

We also use elements of psychotherapy (Gestalt, Rebirthing, Postural Integration, guided meditation, regeneration movements, experimental Gestalt approach, myths and fairy tales work, psychodrama and theatre), various forms of relaxation (meditation, dynamic meditation, trance).

Magdalena Dominiak

With all that we create a magical place for a meeting with other people and our inner side.
A safe space where everyone can find something for themselves. And we can significantly improve the quality of our relationships, find satisfaction and passion in life, and live in every moment. We can also experience the full awakening, because we create our lives.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIf you feel that the time has come to make changes in your life, we invite you to our meetings – to work in the sphere of the heart, body and spirit. We invite you to explore yourself anew, to the world of exploration, transformation and to the miracle of finding it.


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