“Hero’s Journey” shamanic workshop, July 2016, Nowa Morawa, Poland img_4717img_4721img_4739mg_4766_mg_4784-1_mg_47951_mg_4800img_4870_mg_4875_mg_4879-1_mg_4887img_4916_mg_4986_mg_5049_mg_5070_mg_5072-1_mg_5081-1img_5269img_5270-kopiaimg_5531img_5593img_5596img_5602img_5614img_5616img_5640img_5644_mg_5656 Warsztaty jakie mogą Ciebie zainteresować Już za 119dni... Shamanic Workshop 'the Hero’s Journey' Nowa Morawa, Sudeten, Poland, Warsztat 7 dniowy Prowadzi: Маrio The only freedom is the victory over yourself. The Shamanic Workshop “The Hero’s Journey” is an internal experience th... CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ School of Tantra of the Heart – Xth Formation, 1st meeting, June 2016, Nowa Morawa, Poland Samba workshop and samba concert in Stronie Śląskie, July 2016