Relationship Psychodynamics & Body Communication Laboratory, XII 2018
20181211 - 20181213
Gołaczów, Polska
Psychodynamics of the Relationship & Body Communication Laboratory is a school for therapists, body therapists, masseurs and practitioners of tantra and shamanism, who in this way improve their work technique with groups and individual clients. It is a series of meetings for people who want to support and lead people and groups in their inner transformation and following their heart. The laboratory is for people who are ready for deep work and constant change of themselves.
During the laboratory therapists practice leading people and groups using different methods and tools that allow people to feel better and get to know themselves, their bodies and emotions and feelings. They also use elements of psychotherapy and many methods of working with the body: Gestalt, Rebirthing, Postural Integration, daydreaming, regenerative movement, Experimental Gestalt, work with myths and fairy tales, various forms of relaxation (dance, massage, spontaneous movement) and meditation (meditation, dynamic meditation, trance).
The laboratory is dedicated to therapists who have a great will and perseverance in serving people, who have completed the 2-year Advanced Tantra of the Heart School and shamanic workshops (‘the Hero’s Journey’, ‘Death and Resurrection’, ‘Dream Tarot’, ‘Dancing with the Gods’) and have experience in running workshops and individual sessions.
‘The real humanity is about the daily recognition of love in all aspects of our lives.’
The meeting in those dates is held in a closed, advanced group.