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‘Eros and Psyche’ an Open Tantra Workshop

20190716 - 20190721

Nowa Morawa, Sudeten, Poland

These are extraordinary workshops devoted to our sexual energy and hence the energy of life. It is a work related to our inner transformation to recognize our true self. The story of ,Eros and Psyche’ is one of the deepest sources of knowledge about the psyche of a man and a woman. Although it was written centuries ago, it lost nothing of its freshness. Do not be surprised because the basic needs, both on the body and on the spiritual level, have not changed as time has passed, only the methods of satisfying them have taken other forms.

This mythical story talks about a woman and her relationship with a man, both in the external and in the inner world. It is a story of a deep transformation of a man who, freeing himself from the influence of his mother, has the opportunity to enter the masculine energy and open his heart to love for another woman.

Relations between mother and son are not at all the easiest. What is more, they have a huge impact on the entire adult life, the man’s relationships with women, and the way he will act as a husband and father in his own family. The relational style we create with our mother in early childhood, affects not only our later romantic and friendly relationships. Unhealed relationship with the mother can sometimes cause diseases, stress and depression.

It is also a story of a deep transformation of a woman. Being a woman is a great privilege. Unfortunately, our culture is trying to bury this fact deep underground. At the dawn of humanity, a “wild and experienced woman” took its place. Today femininity has been devalued. Many women try to achieve their independence by imitating men, but a wild and smart woman is not a man. She is a savage and determined person who values ​​her femininity. The myth ‘Eros and Psyche’ tells us how through internal transformation we can achieve what is most important for each of us; our total integration with ourselves or the source.

We are very afraid to touch the bottom. Can there be something worse? When we reach the limits of our strength, we lose everything, even hope. But what can happen when we lose everything? At this point, something new can appear, something magical. We change the skin, the way we behave and we leave the burden behind to rise again. To grow and become a stronger person.

This workshop is a place for those who are looking for something more in a relationship, in marriage, at work, in relationships with other people. It is the answer for people who want to discover their joy, their potential, their passion, their masculinity and femininity. Both for those who are attracted by new challenges, as well as for those who have lost hope that something in life may still change. We dream deeply about loving devotion, a great partnership and satisfying sexuality, joy of everyday life, family warmth and life with passion. Just few of us succeed.

We ask ourselves what to do to make the relationship, in which I live, spontaneous and full of life again?

Why is it so hard to live in a harmonious partnership?

How to overcome the feeling of separation, create a sense of unity with yourself, others and the world?

The workshop ‘Eros and Psyche’ is also a new look at where we are now in life and what we really are. Do we feel fulfilled, and if what we do with our life really suits us?

Tantra can not be understood with the intellect, it can only be experienced. Emotions that appear in us become our strength, the inner strength. Once released from the armour we have surrounded our sensitivity and delicateness with, we transfer ourselves to the new reality, to BODY AWARENESS and AWAKENED HEART.

To truly know the tantra of the heart, you have to feel yourself, wake up from sleep. Tantra also has a shamanic and mystical aspect. Tantra is a great mystery of life and nature. The awakened body and soul lead us to internal integration with ourselves and then with a partner and into beautiful, nutrient relations with people.

Introducing psychotherapeutic exercises, shamanic and theatre elements at the workshops also results in a more comprehensive approach to our development. Healing old wounds, raising awareness, and then dissolving the patterns and mechanisms we live in, prepares an empty space in us, so that we can fill it with something new, something that the tantra brings to us. Thanks to this, we create an ever-greater inner balance, we start to be aware of our lives, instead of constant fight and runaway from it.







Mario Wisniewski – Animator, psychotherapist, actor, director, teacher of tantra, and shaman.

A vigilant observer of the reality, beekeeper and traveller, passionate about life.

A happy husband and father, supported by his wife Gaya and a team of therapists, always with a sense of humour.

Our place

Place: Nowa Morawa, the Massif of Snieznik, Lower Silesia, Poland. The home ‘Modra Rzeka’ is a place that will host you with delicious vegetarian home cuisine. The meals are made by locally grown ecological products, coming from the mountains and valleys around– vegetables, fruit, cheese, homemade preserves.


Registration and contact

This workshop has already taken place. We invite you to other workshops – leave a message and we will inform you about the upcoming dates.

Contact: Aleksandra Jozwiak, +48 720 893 888,