Each of us is different

Each of us is different – as we all know it. Everyone has their own quality, which is a treasure for the world – and it is also obvious. And yet something is jamming and grinding all the time. I do not like this one, I cannot live with the other one, and work with that one. Yet it is enough to look differently, to see that those are only shapes; vertical, horizontal, round, triangular.

Of course it can be considered that it does not fit, that I like only my own shape. And you can complain about all the other shapes. See the obstacle instead of the potential. Create a one dimensional world, flat, monotonous. But is it the world we want to live in?

Why not saying ‘Whaw, how interesting…’. And see that many shapes make a lot of possibilities. Try to build a world with vertical, horizontal lines, with waves and circles; add a triangle here and a rectangle there.

And the space opens, like blocks for children, we build a castle, a dollhouse, a forest and a pasture. How much fun, how much joy, what beautiful buildings are created, and what kind of beautiful and diverse world is made. And how everything fits together, even though the shapes are so different.

And the perception is changing: oh, what a beautiful man there is in front of me, though completely different from me. And maybe that is why he is so beautiful because so different, that brings something new, I can learn something, I can experience and feel. And be grateful that we are so different.

Thank you my friends, not friends yet, everyone I meet on my way for you are so different from me and you beautify my world <3.


A. W.