Agnieszka, Shamanic Tantra in India 2025

Shamanic Tantra in India – transformation on Hindu soil.

Is life a transformation? Is transformation life? 12 days of the workshop in India answered “YES” to both of these questions. It was a time where every second mattered, where every moment had its weight and showed the depth of life. It was impossible to skid along the surface. Whether it was morning meditation, tantric ritual, beach classes, shamanic rituals – each such moment expanded awareness, widened the field of vision.

What happens to the world and people around me when I am not attentive, when I see only the tip of my nose and focus on difficulties, missing the beauty happening at the same moment. Where can my laziness and lack of action lead people around me? Do I feel my responsibility for a given moment and act in the name of it? Am I able to stand up for values ​​- beauty, truth, goodness. Am I heading towards holiness and nobility.

During this time of constant changes, extraordinary events and unexpected gifts, my power animals were with me – a polar bear, huge whales, a giraffe. Each brought their own wisdom and support. Ancestors appeared very clearly, the elements supported – the ocean waters, receiving me during the birth ritual, the sun and fire during the puja, the wind and the earth, with which I merged on the beach, which enveloped me with its warmth and power.

Divine generosity showed itself at every step. There was a puja to Ganesha – a time of prayer, blessings, requests for prosperity, feeding the fire and celebration. There were dolphins swimming during rituals on the beach and during ordinary meals. There was a visit to Jana – an extraordinary Shiva temple, where the mantra Ohm Nama Shivaya we sang carried all the way to heaven. We had the privilege of visiting the Brahmins who have guarded the sacred fire for many generations and we experienced a ritual at the sacred waterfall. And there was, finally, a beautiful Hindu engagement and a traditional wedding ceremony. And each of these events was transformative, allowed me to experience the divine presence on Earth, showed that it is worth following the divine path.

For these 12 days of transformation, I drew the “Fun/Celebration” card. And that is exactly what I want my life to be – fun but not a party. I want my life to be a celebration, so I generously share my joy, mindfulness, presence and happiness with the world, I do it with ease and breath. And when necessary – I act!