Anna, School of Tantra of the Heart, Formation of Psychodynamics of Relations and Body Communication, 4th meeting, 2024
I wonder whether to write beautifully or understandably.
Significantly, so that it sounds beautiful?
Dramatically, so that it moves?
However, will the truth defend itself?
Will those who have not seen it believe?
Or maybe it will be another poem about convincing the inconvincible?
Meeting yourself is the most difficult date in life.
When you choose the path, or rather the Eagle’s flight in the company of many individuals, the journey with each meeting is more revealing. Nothing is the same as it was.
Everyone carries a change of self in their body, and their face paints new features.
This was already the fourth meeting. I wonder if it is already the fourth or just the forth.
A meeting that with each hour brought new discoveries about myself.
About me, about subtle wildness, which does not mean vulgarity. About the joy of discovering myself. Respect for other people and for teachers.
About the moment when I speak openly and am not ashamed of it:
I let go… I am happy.
However, there are times in life when sadness sneaks in through the side door.
And what joy it is when you discover that you no longer want to be with it and choose light and joy. You change the way you interpret your experiences.
You notice this change. You notice that you are changing your thinking. You notice symptoms from the body that is talking all the time, but you did not listen so carefully before.
Two workshops earlier, sadness would probably have big eyes, would be smarter than me and would have won. And I would celebrate melting away as a Victim who quickly found a Rescuer.
The party would probably last until morning. And then I would recreate the old pattern of action again.
For me, this workshop was also about responsibility for myself, for others and for my decisions.
Decisions that are difficult and require courage to tell the truth about myself.
Truth that is painful for others.
Truth that has the power to cleanse.
When you choose safety in such moments, believe me… NOTHING special will happen. Safety has shown that I am repeating the pattern from the past.
It is safe, but the same.
Is that what it is about? To be the same?
Do we want change because something is bothering us?
Do we have time now for a repetition?
Do we have time for the same life.
I danced with the whole world, and the world danced with me. With the beautiful Milky Way, with a ginger cat and a magical green stream of light from Above.
Let go, open your eyes wide and feel how the magic circulates in your Body.
Because it is not about words…
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