Dominika, School of Tantra of the Heart, Formation of Psychodynamics of Relations and Body Communication, 3rd meeting, 2023
The workshop “Awakening a Spontaneous Child” is a high-quality, revealing and healing workshop that I had the opportunity to experience. It was my fifth workshop in Modra Rzeka and each one had a big impact on my life and self-discovery.
It was an encounter that allowed me to experience teenage rebellion that I didn’t go through in my teenage years. Experiencing rebellion, I discovered the truth about myself, my self-confidence increased and thanks to that I entered the next stage of life, i.e. adulthood. Taking responsibility for my behaviour and words. Tears appeared. The cry that made me throw up, released from my body what was holding me back from discovering myself. I felt like I was falling apart, like shavings were flying out of me! There was emptiness and lightness. Contrary to appearances, I felt fantastic, because right now I can and I am building my new, strong root with my power.
It is amazing how every exercise, dance and breath made me a spontaneous child and my creativity grew. My eyes widened when I saw myself “playing” the piano. This play gave me a lot of joy and such fulfilment, and why not! I can too!
Another discovery of this meeting was a walk in the mountain forest. A walk that became a beautiful and unforgettable adventure, without fear, but with great curiosity and trust in myself and life. For a person who was afraid to stray from the path in the city forest for fear of getting lost, the workshop walk was a great experience.
It was also a novelty to perform in front of a wonderful audience. Telling my adventure in a joyful and spontaneous way, it was magic. Although the mental appeared for a moment “where are you with this boring story – sit!” The heart leaped forward.
During one of the exercises, my eyes went to the door of the room, on which there is a poster and an explanation of what Tantra is. Yes, thanks to this workshop I understood what Tantra is.
All the dwarfs, the host, the support team, time, the magic of this place, dances, singing, nature, exercises, rituals, drumming and my commitment made me leave the workshop HEALED. It’s a state that I can’t describe, but I wish this state for everyone. Let’s build a green planet – “La Belle Verte” 1996 movie.
I took off the crown of thorns and stepped out of the role of the victim, I feel much better in the dandelion wreath.
Thank you and hugs
The Healed
Warsztaty jakie mogą Ciebie zainteresować

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