Dominika, School of Tantra of the Heart, Formation of Psychodynamics of Relations and Body Communication, 4th meeting, 2023
Lucky Seven – the seventh workshop in Modra Rzeka.
Module four – for me it is about discovering sensitivity, sensuality and femininity.
“I’m a woman
Water, storm, pearl at the bottom
Free as a river
I will never, never give up!
I’m a woman
I am good, I am evil
I am water, I am fire
“Awake and asleep.”
Yes, the words of this song perfectly describe who I am.
Through dancing and breathing, I felt and my body remembered how I moved to bring out the delicacy. My hips, I once complained that they were too wide and didn’t look like a model on a catwalk. Now they are my strength, foundation, gentleness, peace. They helped me give birth to two wonderful daughters. I love the new rhythm that comes out of them. Their shape and size. They give me a place on Earth.
I dance with my hips when I make love to my partner.
I dance my hips while I cook dinner
I dance my hips while I bake bread.
I dance with my hips while I wash clothes.
I’m dancing. I sing. I’m smiling. I am sensual. I’m beautiful. I am healthy. I am the water of my myth.
The babies that I could take care of, for a short time during the workshop, showed me how delicate, limp, supple and smooth their bodies are. My body is now as dissolved, smooth and sensitive to the senses as a baby’s. Joni is beautiful and healthy!
Dear men – Dwarfs! I notice your sensitivity. It is through: moving in dance, in playing instruments, in words, in showing care, in playing, in smiling, in looking, in tears and when during a walk the Dwarf – Yin – Businessman, shows me frozen, snow-covered plants that look like Stalagmites. Wow! This is your SENSITIVITY and I will remember about it.
I am very happy to be at the workshop with my partner. I can’t imagine it any other way.
Yin-Yang energy an interesting experience. I am sending a photo of my final thesis “What can you conjure up from seeds?” I did it with the intention of finding balance within myself. Yes, I felt it during Monday’s Tai Chi class, when I became a float on the water. I was moved.
A month ago I celebrated my fortieth birthday. A friend told me: “It will start now, gray and falling hair, hormonal changes, wrinkles, etc. I accept it, but at the same time as a rebel, I rebel and right now I look and feel the best, the most beautiful. I love myself and I notice that the world around me love me too.
Thank you for every word, sound, movement, smell, touch, taste (chocolate cake – which can make you crazy!)
Thank you for being here and doing so much for me and the Universe.
Still vibrating
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