Emilia, Shamanic Tantra in India 2024

I put myself in the hands of fate and everything went according to divine plans. A meeting in the most beautiful corner of the world: sun, sea and water in a warm blue color, a sandy beach, people ready for transformation and willing to help each other.

I trusted, I was guided, I led, giving myself over to adventure, insights and joy.

For the first time so strongly in full consciousness, with humility I immersed myself in the Goddess of Water, in Woman, feminine power and sensitivity.

I experienced such incredible contact with the Earth, in the warm and tender exposure of delicate sand, which was like hundreds of kisses of the most tender lover who knows all the tender places.

I got to the layer of myself, where I felt how the soul and ethereal body connect with the physical body, a transitional layer, connecting, sensitive, full of space.

Spirit connects with matter…

Water, water, water.

Wisdom flows, it is like water, it cannot be put into the framework of logical reason. Wisdom has a flowing structure, you have to see the possibilities wisely, open a powerful and naive heart so that it can flow, drip even a drop.

If I need it, I can connect with the wisdom of another woman, if I do not know – then I ask another woman, being in connection and mutual honest communication.

Wisdom flows from my interior, when enough waves of life experiences flow through me.

It is I who, with my sensitivity, influence how I experience the waves of life experiences. During the ritual in the water, the largest and strongest wave, to which I spontaneously surrendered, put me on my feet …and then I spread my arms like wings to see the entire ocean space… How many waves of life, despite everything, put me on my feet.

The gentleness of a woman is an ocean of power in me.

Inside my heart I heard ravens speaking the language of the soul, non-verbally, with presence…


There are doors that need to be opened to learn about and expand reality. To enter the spaces that are behind them with curiosity. The workshop in India is such a door. Thank you and I am grateful for this grace.
