Emilia, Shamanic Tantra in India 2025
It was a meeting of my own soul in the body combined with the elements and the dance of each cell. Dissolved in the embrace of sounds, subtle, wild and spontaneous dance, I experienced how gently and variably my body leads me in the dance of life.
Immersed in the waves of the sea, sometimes very rough, I wandered into the depths of my body, which remembers everything, knows and breathes unconditionally, giving hope for discoveries, experiences and transformation.
Sometimes I was a rider and a horse at the same time, experiencing unity in internal journeys.
Often the world reached out to me, inviting me to play, discover and enjoy. No one else but me could reject or accept this invitation. Accepting and saying “YES” opened for me another gate of ecstasy of joy and surprising insights.
The elements: water, wind, earth and fire embraced me, led me to a joint transformation. I sat in a jablung with the entire beach, experiencing the delight of being stardust carried by the universe. I was accompanied by Angels, animals of power that have been supporting me for a long time, but also new ones appeared – elephants, animals of this earth and there was Ganesha, there was Shiva, the world in connection. Or maybe there was never separation?… maybe sometimes there is a lack of connection with oneself with one’s own divine part of the soul… When my soul sings, the body dances and the universe plays the undulating music called life!
Surrendering to the magic of these waves, in the company of people, in the full support and power of nature, the smallest knots tangled long ago, somewhere and once upon a time were transformed in me. All these magical rituals and moments of transformation flowed with the joyful blessing of the Hindu land and people, thanks to whom we could take part together in the ceremony of engagement, wedding and holy puja, recited mantras and authentic blessings flowing from everywhere.
I am a channel of divine miracles. By saying “YES” to life I open this channel, laughing I distribute this joy to every cell that breathes this energy like oxygen.
I say “Yes” to life and listen quietly to my soul whispering through the delicate vibrations in my body, giving others and the world so much gentleness and softness that life can flow, undulate in the rhythm of the universe and my heart beats open and wrapped in divine wisdom.
I felt to the marrow of my bones what it is like when I do not plan what is to happen. Led by the divine spark of life, I open myself to divine guidance, spontaneous, surprising, I am ready for the changes that God arranges in the kaleidoscope of existence.
In India, I felt as strongly as possible that I am an instrument playing the divine waves of the melody of life. And the more relaxed I am, the more beautifully truth, goodness and beauty vibrate and resound. I share these values with the world to fill it with the vibration of joy, change and hope for wisdom, in trust in what is happening.
And one more thing: you never leave before the end, because there’s always a chance to dance the final wedding dance together. Houk