Irek, shamanic workshop “Dance with the Gods”, Oct.2019
When I let go of control, I suddenly noticed that life was happening to me. By working with my myth and the myths of the other people, I could see where I was and where I was going – for that moment. I saw what divine beings we are and that our life is dance – Dance with the Gods. The workshop made me realize where I am still blocking myself and what I can do with it. Beautiful moments, where really nothing else mattered. Deep reflection on my own life. It is worth loving, sharing love and having an open heart to others. There were magical things that I didn’t fully understand. A magical connection with everyone. And we are all Divine Wizards. I understood how much I judge people, how I look at the world through my own experience. Over time, the shells open and we seemed to be the best-chosen creatures. Self-love and Full acceptance of my manhood. Children of the universe, connections with Earth and Heaven. I have also got an insight into the responsibility for my life.