Joanna, ‘The Hero’s Journey’, Nowa Morawa 2024

I just got back from the “Hero’s Journey” workshop and I’m wondering…what happened!!!What happened THERE that made me feel different, better, more complete. These workshops are a MIRACLE!!! It’s looking into the nooks of your soul, your heart, your being and “pulling everything out”. And looking at who I am. And then… in love and understanding, putting “That” back together. It’s loving your Beautiful and Dark sides. It’s understanding and tenderness towards yourself.

Life after the workshops is no longer the same.

There is reflection that allows you to look at the mechanism of your actions.

There is tenderness and self-acceptance.

There is understanding and empathy.

There is strength and courage to act.

There is beauty every day.

Life after the workshops is more beautiful, I feel more beautiful.

I love…

Joanna, “Hero’s Journey” 2024