Julita, ‘Dancing with the Gods and Goddesses’, Poland – Nowa Morawa 2024

I am writing a reflection from the “Dancing with the Gods” workshop because I want to share that this workshop disenchanted my life, while enchanting it at the same time. When I left Modra Rzeka in March, I did not expect that I would come up with the idea to go back in May for “Dancing with the Gods”. We live in Scotland, so it was a trip, and because we have two little children, and I am a non-working mother, so I did not even dare to think that a working father would pay for another workshop🤣 today, after the meeting, I still do not know if I can describe it in any other way than the call of my soul. I trusted it, I went there. All I could tell my husband was that I had no choice, I was just going, and he heard it with his heart and the world gave me the opportunity to go and participate in this magical workshop.

The myth I was working with was given to me for this workshop, I did not really look for it and I tried to get away from it😅. How true it turned out to be in my life, and in so many aspects, the visible and the obvious, the mundane – me, a mother with these two beautiful “monsters”, it was so easy to laugh how beautifully it synchronized! But also those that still give rise to further questions and the desire to search in me. My intention was to start enjoying life, to appreciate it, to joyfully accept what I am so gifted with! And you know what, I succeeded! I really am happy. It doesn’t mean that I run around with a banana on my face all day, but I am happy on the playground, children are the first to smile at me, tease me, some come and touch me. I feel my chest opening up, when I am closer to nature, when my energy drops and I don’t have a way to go out into nature, I dance and sing and the energy returns! I “made friends” with a raven from the nearby mountains and Rose named her Semja… I touched nature in this workshop in such a way that the trees showed me the characters from my myth in their bark. Someone would consider it a fairy tale, but life is a fairy tale in which I discovered that the tree is my mother, in which I learn that in order to be happy I sometimes have to take on the role of a witch, because she has strength in her, not evil, not good, simply strength and power and determination – values ​​that are sometimes needed by my whole family to feel safe, in place, on earth and to move on!

These words of Gaya stayed with me after this meeting – “what value do you need at this moment in your life to move on”? Hearing this was very important to me, because at this meeting, also working with the myths of other participants, I felt that I would find my life in each of these myths, perhaps from different moments of it, but in each one I felt that it was also for me. It’s incredible how much I got, hence this huge gratitude for this meeting! So much information, so much news and all of them make me change to this day and consequently, life changes, I feel a new quality that has never existed before as far as I remember… such peace that everything I want will come when I am ready to face it responsibly, because desires have changed, they are no longer desires, but a vision, desires as if they were now, happening and I think about the future in the direction of what to do with what I myself received, how to skillfully use Who I am to share myself and what my previous experience brings.

I feel as if I was touched by a magic wand during this workshop and disenchanted. I wanted to move so much, to another country, to nature, to another life, and now – yes, I’m still planning this move to the Spanish countryside, but it’s not a desire, a persistent thought that doesn’t give me peace and one that fills me with hope for a better, happier well-being, because where I live it’s yuck, ugly and you can’t enjoy life… now it’s just something that has to happen, another step, a change, and where I am, it’s good 🙂 it really is good, good enough to move on! There are questions that have opened up even wider and thanks to this meeting I accept them calmly. I laughed to myself, because on the last day we went to our mandalas for answers, I got a question for an answer, and those who passed it on to me also laughed at me, changing faces every now and then, like in a fairy tale… can you believe it? 🙂

I thank Modra Rzeka from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful, magical workshop and for supporting me and showing me the values ​​I need to focus on when raising my daughters.

During the last circle, I looked at all of us with joy in my whole being, unable to stop smiling and wondering how it is possible that there are so few of us here?! I wanted to shout to the world that “a fool” everyone who is not here!

I highly recommend this workshop, with all my joy!

Thank you 🙏💗 Julita