Krzysiek, School of Tantra of the Heart, Formation of Psychodynamics of Relations and Body Communication, 4th meeting, 2024
This was my fourth meeting of the Eagles formation entitled Joy, Love, Ecstasy.
I had the feeling that it would be easy, nice and gentle. I had previously worked through many of my beliefs, patterns and traumas and it seemed to me that now it could only be better.
Nothing could be further from the truth! This is Nowa Morawa. Here, no one will pat you on the head and tell you how great you are and that everything is cool.
During this week of workshops, I met my anima and animus. It showed me how wonderful it is to live with a woman who is ideal for me. I experienced the macho and hysterical figures with their positive and negative features and their traits carried within me and I understood what to do to make these figures in me constructive and not destructive. I became a yang with full creative potential, but also the responsibility that lies behind it and a yin remaining in submission and passivity. I noticed what energy channel I was in and how bored my inner child was with it, and also that it was possible to get out of this channel. Life is not only a path from point A to B, but also other options. During the next exercises I discovered the true image of a human being. Not a man and a woman but a soul, a being in a human body – free and unlimited.
At the end of the workshops, Mario and Gaya together with their assistants in a shamanic and mystic way tore my heart out of my body and performed an operation on it. Not as if I wanted to, but as it should be done. From the deepest corners of my subconscious it came to light that my search for different paths of development is often an escape from the truth. The difficult one that does not suit me very well. I touched upon my laziness, which was really hard for me to admit. I received beautiful feedback that love is not “ohs”, but opening up to another person and hard work. By giving myself, I will be kicked and abandoned many times and that despite this I should still give myself to others. Training, development, workshops and rituals are beautiful and necessary things, but it is not important what they look like, but what effects they bring in everyday life.
The workshops are over, but the processes of change in me have begun. Hour by hour I delve deeper and open myself to love. I try to remain as present as I can.
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