M., School of Tantra of the Heart, Formation of Psychodynamics of Relations and Body Communication, 3rd meeting, 2023
I have confidence in myself, I have confidence in life, I have confidence in myself, I have confidence… these words, like a mantra, vibrate in me since the wonderful workshop, which was the third meeting of our group of Dwarfs. Is there anything more pleasant in life than trusting myself? Could there be anything more beautiful?
During these workshops, apart from dancing and laughter, we face our deepest fears, even traumas, despite attempts to escape, ultimately “there is no mercy” because we ourselves reach the limit when the truth requires confrontation before the strictest judge – ourselves. Only now I understood the meaning of the sentence repeated by Mario “behind every fear there is pleasure awaiting”… You just need to have the courage and willingness to let go of what we no longer need. At the end of every path, there is only one experience… love.
I feel gratitude, authenticity, truth, tenderness, breath. I am even grateful for the difficult experiences of the past because thanks to them I am where I am and I am in the truth and wonder of everyday life. Thanks to each of the hosts and each of the dwarfs I feel it, I know it. I am so grateful for every look, word, moment, expression, listening, synchronization, touch…
There are no words to describe what happened, and even if it did, it still cannot be named. You have to live it. Magic of simplicity, divine script. Gratitude…
The process of transformation is a great gift that we can give ourselves, and when we give something to ourselves, we give it to the whole world. Butterfly wings have great power.
Thank you so much and I love you so much.
I don’t have anything for sale anymore.
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