Ola W., Shamanic Tantra in India 2025

On the magical Indian land, reality flows with a different rhythm. You can only open up to it and absorb everything that comes. And miracles come…

I saw dolphins, eagles and the sea flowing into my heart. I was a warrior, a wave, the earth, a bee and the sky. I danced with the Gods, saints and ancestors. I know that at any moment I can turn into a monkey with a long tail and stand firmly on the ground and make decisions from pure intuition.

I got to know and love this other world, in which the will of Christ and the divine forces of transformation work. A world that exists on a different level of consciousness. In which we get exactly what is needed and in which everything is possible.

And at the same time I awaken awareness of the matrix, which is just waiting to draw my mind in, put blinkers on and move away from mysticism!

The workshop in India was an amazing ceremony of expanding consciousness. It celebrated the purest male and female energy. It celebrated holiness. Magical in every second, brimming with wisdom.

Reality is much broader than our narrow mind would like to see. Everything I do is connected with responsibility for the world. It’s not always about me. What I do I do to the world and for the world. I am not afraid to speak up. When I give joy, enthusiasm and commitment, the world will give me abundantly!

And most importantly: enthusiasm for life is a matter of choice! When I choose it, everything changes. We are happy!