Szymon, School of Tantra of the Heart, Formation of Psychodynamics of Relations and Body Communication, 5th meeting, 2024
Currently I feel like I’m starting all over again. At the same time, I remember and thank you for what has happened in my life so far.
I am filled with hope that the work I did in Modra Rzeka was done for the World. Now I walk on it with confidence that everything that happens has meaning and justification.
I came to the formation with internal confusion and a desire to put my family life in order. The intention came true, but much more happened along the way.
The road through this time has been full of successes and setbacks. There were moments of euphoria and moments of doubt. One step forward and two steps back. Going around in circles.
From the perspective, it had an incredibly high value. Namely, these situations allowed me to see myself in different variants. It gave me the feeling that who I am is the best version of me that exists at any given moment.
I loved myself fully, without judging my behaviour. After all, I am the sum of those who came before me. It gave me a lot of strength not to judge or criticize myself. I am a Soul who, taking the form of a Man, agreed to accept a body with the programs of its Ancestors written in it. During formation, I slowly recognized these patterns and through acceptance, internal healing occurred. The grips, both mental and physical, gradually released, allowing me to fully experience the essence of my humanity. Recognizing this energy in myself, I also recognize it in the other person.
Apart from the formation, I also participated in the ‘Dancing with the Gods’ workshop.
For me, it’s a real rebirth and coming together again.
By allowing myself to be carried away by the story I chose, I was able to unite my internal world with what I am externally. Now more and more coherent, in harmony with each other. I just feel better about myself. I discovered the wealth of imagination I have within me. I encountered a primal archetypal image that literally began to express itself through me. Incredible adventure. One of the most memorable experiences. A milestone in development.
Thanks to Tantra, I brought the Soul to the Body, to the present moment. Through exercises and rituals I reached the primordial Void. A wonderful and loving Mother. To the original Womb where everything has its beginning.
I am grateful that I could expand my awareness and rediscover myself under your care. Thank you for creating the conditions for this.
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