Yeen Be, Shamanic Tantra in India 2025
The workshop in India was a total transformation for me. The very fact of decision to take part, set off a whole avalanche of events that showed me the patterns and constraints I function in on a daily basis. I had heard about India before, but for a very long time I had blocked my own path to this powerful and beautiful workshop with patterns like: “I don’t have money”, “this is a workshop that others deserve, not me”, “I won’t make it because of work, home, obligations, I have to save money…” and so on. The decision to go awakened in me some previously unknown, incredible Power, thanks to which I saw that I am a being who can REALLY create the surrounding Reality.
The workshop itself is pure Magic, Beauty and Power of Nature. The land of India is a space that vibrates in its own way. For my schematic, European mind it was a shock! And at the same time a chance to reach deeper into myself.
The power of the elements of Earth, Water, Sun, Wind so close, so close at hand allowed me to experience that I am a beloved Child of the Creator. An incredibly deep entry into myself made me realize who I am – I am a part of the eternal Divinity that wants to transform here on Earth through the experience of matter – the body. It is my Body that is the carrier of all information, this Body tries to tell me every day who I am and what is happening inside me, this Body is finally able to lift and generate the Power that changes me and thanks to this also the environment in which I function.
Working at the workshops gave me the opportunity to wrap my body in everything that is most beautiful – the beauty of Nature, wonderful people, music, local culture and wonderful food
The Sun, Water, Wind, beach, the company of other beautiful beings healed old wounds. My interior was soothed, comforted, like a Child in the arms of the most tender Mother. To this day I cannot forget the image that appeared during the workshop: I am the “eye” in God’s favorite ring, a favorite pebble that he likes to look at…
This workshop is still ongoing, despite returning home. A new awareness has emerged: Life is still moving forward and it is I who decide whether it will be beautiful or full of suffering. This gives me wings and inspires me to reach for more, without fear and clenching.