Zbigniew, School of Tantra of the Heart, Formation of Psychodynamics of Relations and Body Communication, 5th meeting, 2024
The fifth meeting of the formation was for me reaching the power of my inner warrior who gives energy to the world, a warrior who cares, who is present and ready to act, who wants to learn and be wiser. A warrior who is ready to confront the truth about himself, without using aggression and domination.
This meeting was about how truly important my involvement is for the world, where my movement, my decisions, thoughts and words move everything around.
Yes, I am important to the world.
What is important is my wisdom, which cannot be manipulated. I see how important my choices are, allowing me to live with a clear conscience, responsible for my family and building a good place for future generations with my decisions.
I pray for the reconciliation of Poles and for all of us to be proud of our flag. This formation makes me happy and proud to be Polish. I carry within me the memory of all our ancestors, thanks to whom we live in this beautiful country. I carry in my heart gratitude for the work they did, for their love, for their prayers for us – for their future generations. Glory to you heroes and heroines. I will not forget your blood shed for our freedom.
This time is also a beautiful, moving return to respecting the holy places of my ancestors – to the eternally prayed chapels, temples, roadside crosses where our grandmothers and grandfathers knelt and asked for peace, healthy air, food for future generations. Respecting the holy places where our ancestors encountered their sins in confession, working on themselves and their absolution for the good of their souls, for the good of their children and their children. For our sake now.
For me, this meeting is a tribute to you women. I bow to Your power to transform us men. I pay tribute to your great wisdom and truth. I pay tribute to your beauty and wildness.
I see how transformative surrendering to Your divinity is.
This meeting is my growth as a man, this amazing feeling of a light burning inside me, which makes my clamps and blockages come to the surface.
This meeting is also about seeing the power and strength of another man and how our connection, our brotherhood, is healing for us, for our loved ones and for the world.
I remain responsible, committed and with the light growing brighter within me. I remain with such joy, gratitude and full confidence that I am exactly where I need to be.
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