What does it mean to be a Tantrica
To be a tantra practitioner is to embody your deep nature, your art of living, your philosophy of existence.I don’t think tantra comes across by chance in your life, it comes to you when you want to find that alchemy, that accuracy, that balance that you feel can exist within you. Tantra invites you to discover your essence, experience experiences, reveal your resources, release your potential, pursue your life path.
It invites you to sincerely incarnate here and now in your presence towards yourself, towards others, in this communion with the elements, with everything that surrounds us.
I think that you can be a tantric without ever practicing Tantra, because in my opinion, being tantric means daring to be yourself, in your power as well as in your vulnerability, sensitivity, it’s welcoming and accepting the parts of light and shadow that exist deep within us, it’s an attempt to consciously investing all these dimensions in us to tune our body, our heart and our spirit to fully experience this wonderful experience that life is.
When a person seeks this osmosis and is lucky enough to meet Tantra on his way of life, as it was given to me many years ago, they have the opportunity to feel that this space will open all avenues for them to become the one who feels vibrating within themselves.
Finally, they find the opportunity to build their lives according to their desires, according to their visions, according to their energies, detaching themselves from everything that society, education, socio-cultural beliefs have imposed on our shoulders, without giving us the knowledge of what to do to be happy.
When you dare to follow this path, you discover a deep truth within yourself, a new sense of fully embodying who you are, without pretending, without fear, and without expectations. You have the courage to reveal the sides of yourself that you tried to bury, silence and hide from the world.
Tantra invites you to embrace everything that surrounds you, to know yourself intensely, to understand yourself subtly to give meaning to your existence.
This is what Tantra gave me, which I discovered at the age of 34 and for over 26 years tantra has accompanied me in all the adventures of my life.
I think I had a tantric nature from my youth, I felt there was an approach to life that was different that it wasn’t what the consumerist society offered me, but I wasn’t fully aware of what I was looking for, so I wandered, explored, didn’t really understanding everything I do.
When I met Tantra, I found meaning in all these experiences, I fed on all the teachings, all the colours that each tantric teacher allowed me to feel.
Each of them had its own journey, each had its own light, each had its own vision of Tantra, and then I understood that Tantra is a spirituality that we can make our own and in which we can all vibrate with our own colours, our own light, that it exists because there are no dogma, no commands, no restrictions to be this or that, just the freedom to be myself.
The feeling literally intoxicated me, it made me want to reveal everything I felt vibrating inside of me to radiate it out and dare to use my power as my vulnerability. Then I understood what love for myself and for others is.
Today, together with my life companion Gaya, I accompany during individual sessions and workshops, I accompany people who want to discover our approach to Tantra, our alchemical nuances, our vibratory colours and our personal energies. In 2001, we were the first to introduce classes and a school of tantra in Poland. Together with an amazing team of our assistants, we have created two wonderful places Modra Rzeka and Hobitowa Gorka.
We are creators of space, by inviting you to a meeting, we open a caring space for you and a safe space where you can go in search of yourself. Regardless of whether it’s about healing wounds, releasing anxieties, giving meaning to your own existence, feeling all the sensitivities of your body, or finding harmony of body, heart, mind, which is so beautiful to discover.
We are here to accompany you so that you can discover your inner resources, use your potential, release your uniqueness, feel the symbiosis of these many energies that drive you to be born within you.
What I especially like to convey from my vision of Tantra is how to find the osmosis between these ancient rituals and the modernity of our lives, to feel how to live the connection between these ancient texts and the reality of our lives.
For me, tantra is a search that can be lived in the present, in your everyday life, in your current journey, it does not force you to change your life, transform your everyday life, it simply invites you to create a different consciousness that will allow you to find the meaning you want to give your existence.
If I could put into words the three main teachings that tantra has allowed me to put into my life, I would say:
Real presence here and now
The first lesson that Tantra has allowed me to cross in my everyday life is the ability to be in a real presence for myself and others, to be able to experience every event, every situation, every connection without hooking on my past or future.
Being in this presence here and now is certainly one of the dimensions that has changed my life the most.
I enjoy every experience, I revel in every relationship, I savor every emotion, every feeling, every perception.
This full presence in the here and now opened my eyes to a different way of looking at life and gave birth to a different reality, my reality.
Body/heart/spirit alchemy
The second teaching that Tantra offered me was the unconditional search for alchemy between the different dimensions of my being, between my body, heart and mind.
Listening to my body, I discovered a fascinating relationship, an amazing love for this bodily envelope, so sensitive, so subtle, which leads me to the most amazing sensations.
The workshop spaces we create are designed to make you aware of the magic of your body, immerse you in the happiness of discovering yourself, celebrating every pleasure, every desire, every vibration that emanates from your feelings.
By teaching me to accept my emotions, my sensitivity, Tantra freed me from my past and future hold-ups.
It allowed me to marvel at all the polarities that inhabit my heart, to find in anger, rage, bitterness and joy the true essence of being.
Every emotion has the right to exist, every energy can be accepted by me. Tantra teaches you how to become a channel, and I accompany you on this path in every session, in every workshop, to connect you with your emotions with increasing intensity.
By freeing my mind from the yoke of its own beliefs, from the conditions it was a slave to, from the dogma it was forced to integrate, I discovered freedom, a field of infinite possibilities that opened before Me.
Found, lost, found and lost again.
I search, I research, I make mistakes and I succeed.
I evolve, I fall, sometimes I exceed the standards.I hope at any moment to feel this perfect alliance between my consciousness and my matter. This body/heart/spirit alchemy is for me the holy grail of this wonderful experience that is life.
A relationship of unconditional love for oneself and for others
The third teaching that Tantra allowed me to discover is a connection to one of the most powerful sources that exist in me and in all humanity: Love.
Love for what is, for what is born, for what vibrates… Love for who and what the other is, for what awakens in you, for what resonates between you… This universal, unconditional, passionate, carnal, sensual, sexual love that unleashes all your power and opens the way to the unspeakable.
It taught me to accept this love within myself and love myself, successfully giving it to others in complete freedom. Getting to know what true love is is certainly one of the most beautiful life experiences that Tantra has given me. It allowed me to go beyond my expectations and free myself from them, to deconstruct the programs that were implanted in me, to just be myself and deeply love what touches me, what moves me, what inspires me.
To love without trying to understand why, without wanting to put this love in a box, without labeling this feeling, without imposing any of the life programs on it. This is what Tantra taught me, to love in all possible ways, without limits, without reason, without research. Love beyond the ego, love beyond yourself.
There are dozens, hundreds of teachings that I could share with you from my quest and that I discovered thanks to Tantra, but your path will definitely be different than mine, it will suit you and bring you your answers through your own experiences and journey.
Do not look for ready-made solutions in Tantra… Otherwise, Tantra would become a dogma, a magical cookbook, and even a command.
Seek in Tantra the experience that will hatch in you, your answers, your solutions, your truth.
If the teachings of Tantra allow you to touch your deepest nature, dive even deeper within yourself to hope to find wholeness.